Artistic Procrastination

Artistic Procrastination – HOW TO CONTROL IT

For some of us, nothing gets a house cleaner, the landscape tidier and the garage reorganized faster than an artistic deadline. Despite knowing in our bones that art and our business are our passions, some of us will do almost anything to avoid starting or finishing a project. Artistic procrastination can strike the best of …


Business Mindset

Business Mindset – Tips For Creatives

The business side of any endeavor can send chills down the spine of the most talented artist or creator. You long to be “in the zone,” just you and your art, but you also need to eat. Or recoup the money spent on supplies or tools. Spreadsheets, taxes, and marketing content? Not so much. With …


What's Your Passion

What’s Your Passion? The Day Job Vs. The Passion Gig.

Colliding Worlds Since the dawn of the internet and the always-on, always-connected society, the term “work-life balance” has become quite the buzzword. Just run a Google search and you’ll find thousands of articles and studies. Some claim this elusive balance is achievable with the right collection of calendars, personal life coaches, and morning attributions. Still …


Selling NFT art

selling nft art – why artists should be doing it

You’ve probably heard of NFTs by now, they’ve been a hot topic ever since Mike Winkelmann – the digital artist known as Beeple sold an NFT of his work for $69 million on March 11, 2021. Yeah, you read that right. Someone paid $69 million for a digital piece of art. Could this be the …


Categories Art
QR Code

qr codes – stop using them to play artwork

By now you are probably familiar with QR codes. The first QR code system was invented in 1994 by the Japanese company Denso Wave, a Toyota subsidiary. They needed a more accurate way to track vehicles and parts during the manufacturing process. QR codes do serve a purpose. In the art world however, not so much. …


Categories Art