Soundwave Art ™


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Are You Ready to Propose?

Are you ready to propose? Wondering if now is the right time for you and your significant other? Getting married is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make, and ensuring that you have the right timing when popping the question is important for starting married life out on the right foot. From your money habits to the opinions of your family members, here are a few things to consider to decide whether now is the time to propose.

You Both Have a Handle on Your Finances

Because money issues can cause problems in even the most devoted couples, being open about your personal finances is a must before popping the question. You should each have an accurate idea of the other’s income and debt. This will prevent unwelcome surprises and even help avoid some conflicts after the ink dries on the marriage license.

Your Goals Are Compatible

Everyone has aspirations: some of which are serious and will be actively pursued and others that are just for the hypothetical “someday.” While you and your partner don’t need to share every life goal, your ambitions should be compatible. In other words, if you are actively pursuing a tech job in Silicon Valley but your sweetheart has their feet planted firmly on the East Coast, there is going to be some conflict.

Your Family Is On Board

Talk to enough couples, and you’re sure to find a few who will tell stories of less than stellar relationships with their in-laws. That happens, but fortunately, it’s pretty rare. If there is tension between your family and your significant other, take some time to consider the reasons. Are they seeing something in your partner or your relationship, especially things that you’ve intentionally or unintentionally overlooked, that raises red flags for them? Is it simply a matter of personality clashes? If there is a concrete reason for your loved ones’ unwillingness to welcome your partner into the fold, take some time to consider whether their hesitation has any merit. Remember that your family wants to see that you’re happy, and if your partner does that for you, they’re probably glad to give their support.

You Want to Get Married

It sounds like a no-brainer, but think about it; how many people get married because of societal expectations, pressure from friends and family, or even pressure from their significant other? Before proposing, make sure that both you and your partner are getting married for the right reasons, not simply because it’s what is expected of you.

Popping the Question

Looking for a unique way to propose? Consider partnering with Soundwave Art to turn your marriage proposal into a work of art that will be cherished for years to come. Our online shop features a huge array of products, from jewelry to playable art and music artwork.

The process is simple. Just use the microphone on your computer to record your proposal or upload your own file. You’ll have the ability to review the unique soundwave that your voice made before you submit the recording, we’ll also send you an approval before we begin production. Once you give final approval, we’ll get to work creating your one-of-a-kind gift.

Mike LaTour - Co-founder Mike LaTour  Soundwave Art
2019 Finalist - Digital Innovation In Art Award

I spent 17 years in the music industry and have always had a love of art. Combining music, sound, and art was a perfect fit.

I’d like to thank you for visiting us and invite you to have a look around. Express your creativity and record a sentiment that will last for generations!